

We first met this lady in December 2016 as a volunteer and she was due to return to see us in the new year when she started suffering from heart problems and couldn’t.
Just yesterday she called in to see what’s happening at the Concord Cafe; and after hearing about the Big Dinner, brought in handmade Kesra today which she made fresh herself! “We must help our community”, she said.

What if a homeless man gave you donations? You can see the homeless man sitting in the garden at the cafe right? One of our volunteers very kindly brought him in and offered him yesterday’s chorba and hot main meal. He was so thankful when he found out that we give to all regardless of their financial situation during the month of Ramadan, that HE donated everything he owned except his clothes – 1 can rice pudding, 1 can soup, 1 baguette, some pastry and 70p. Now, Chefs are cooking chorba for today

More donations today! The first picture of donations are from a volunteer passing on his motorbike before work, he came to the cafe just to ask if we needed anything for today

Saha Ftourkoum! Two PC’s were invited by volunteers as they saw them passing by, they’re on duty today but we made sure they try a classic Algerian bourek!


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